I'm baaaaaaaaaaaack~ >cough Anyways. I want to present to you all my new pose pack. All the CC goes to their rightful creators.
The model is made by my dear friend Nova. You can visit her on her Tumblr ( noviebird (The Puppetmaster) ) She really is one of the best sim creators I know<3 Now, THE POSE PACK...
Hey, you guys! I know I haven't posted in a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG time. I have a reason for that. I have been working on a Ke$ha pose pack and sim for you all! :DD
Hey you guys! I have a new pose pack for you! Since Supernatural came out a while ago, I decided to make some vampire poses for your simmies, well, you can use them for other types of simmies too. Since there are only 4 poses, 3 full body and 1 facial pose, I decided to include a simmie for you guys to download. As usual, they are on the pose list! Enjoy!
Here's that simmie I promised you now! Her name is Lyza Bloodquench, if you haven't noticed, she's a vampire. YOU DON'T NEED LATE NIGHT FOR HER TO WORK.
ALL CUSTOM CONTENT CREDIT GOES TO THEIR RIGHTFUL CREATOR. Now, what I was saying about her not needing LN, you can get her teeth here. To turn her into a vampire, you can use Treeag's SimTransformer